MBRCGI Websites
UAE Innovates
Edge of Government

Educational MOOCs

Register for interactive MOOCs on the latest global innovation methodologies or follow a series of talks presented by international experts on government innovation

Benefits of learning with Ibtekr

Ibtekr platform provides free Massive Open Online courses (MOOCs) in various fields, presenting modern international methodologies and practical tools that emphasize the importance of enhancing the culture of innovation in all government entities, being an enabler to face potential challenges, developing services, and enhance work efficiency.

The platform offers a set of MOOCs focused on government innovation topics. The content was created by a group of Arab experts, academics, and government employees of the United Arab Emirates. The participants will receive a certificate of MOOC completion from MBRCGI.

Educational Courses

Innovation Tools

How can you use innovation tools to develop some initiatives that contribute to the sustainability of innovation and turn it into a daily practice? How can this be achieved under a set of priorities by focusing on key challenges and issues? Register now....

Government Accelerators

It is a four-week MOOC that aims to raise awareness of the 100-day mechanism, which aims to develop innovative solutions and achieve a sustainable future.

Innovation in Government

The course is designed for government employees who are interested in learning more about innovation, and who aspire to improve their institutions' performance. It offers innovative methods and tools to inspire innovative ideas and find solutions to the challenges that face government entities.

Innovation Labs for the Future

The course sheds light on the journey towards establishing an effective innovation lab and offers tools, both new and traditional, with novel twists. It also focuses on the concept of government innovation and explores the different phases of the innovation lab; diagnosing challenges, forming work teams and work streams, designing content, involving stakeholders and generating the most innovative ideas through brainstorming are some of the areas the course dives into.

Behavioral Insight

Behavioral insight involves studying human behavior and trying to understand it in order to develop standard policies that meet society’s requirements more realistically and result in a set of behavioral interventions aimed at achieving the desired results, improvement and adaptation.