In the context of the contribution of municipalities to efforts to conserve endangered species, City councils in the UK have found an innovative solution, On the basis of which many laws and regulations have been enacted, It was followed by instructions and instructions on how to choose and install Samama bricks and bee bricks.
In today's world, In conjunction with the urban cement boom, Biodiversity faces significant challenges, The diversity of urban organisms has taken a dangerous turn that threatens its existence. The same applies to the United Kingdom, which since the turn of the 20th century has lost 13 species of bees and 35 others are considered endangered. The case is also similar in Samama birds, whose numbers in the UK have seen a significant decline, placed on the Red List of Endangered Bird Species, which now includes 70 species.
Same to you What are these endangered species and what does it have to do with structure? The Samama is a medium-sized bird, With a short forked tail and long crescent-shaped wings staged backwards. Outwardly similar to swallow, But it's a little bigger. It has very short legs that it uses only to cling to vertical surfaces, So they call it a "wall bird", He builds his nest under the edges of old buildings. He falls asleep in flight, It does not voluntarily settle on horizontal surfaces. It is also an emotional bird, Monogamous. Couples stay together for life, And she returns with her chicks to the same nest. And she dedicates herself to her homes, So much so that some kill themselves in an attempt to return to a nest closed by urban modification. As for solitary bees, It is a kind of bee, As its name suggests, does not live in colonies, He is not aggressive in protecting his nests, It plays an important role in Britain's natural ecosystem. It makes up approximately 250 of the approximately 270 species of bees that live in it.
Those concerned noted that the issue was exacerbated by the demolition and renovation of old buildings. With the walls of new buildings completely closed, This has led to a decline in the number of sites where Samama can nest. In view of this situation, Some English municipal councils have helped develop wildlife nests inside new buildings. By manufacturing bricks suitable for the Samama bird and bricks suitable for bees, And their integration into the construction of all houses and all new buildings over five meters high.
The manufacture of Samama bricks came in the form of hollow bricks, It has an entrance hole for birds. As for bee bricks, they have many small holes that allow bees to nest.
In Brighton & Hove, New planning laws require developers to install bee bricks and sama bricks in all new buildings over five meters high. The Hackney Council adopted regulations requiring new construction projects to include Samama bricks. The councils of Cornwall and Dorset adopted similar policies.
These decisions did not come without social controversy. Some scientists are suspicious of the effectiveness of solitary bee bricks in improving biodiversity, They consider that goodwill may produce undesirable consequences, They fear the dangers of attracting mites and increasing the spread of diseases, They are also concerned that the move could divert attention away from the fundamental challenges facing UK biodiversity.
On the other end, Proponents of this initiative argue that the benefits outweigh the risks. They assert that urban hives produce healthier and more productive bees. They bet on the bees' ability to alleviate any potential problems themselves. Being naturally healthy has a healthy behavior that allows him to mitigate risks, It makes it assess the condition of the holes before using them. They also see that bricks are made of concrete, not wood, This makes it less suitable for mold-feeding insects.
Samama bricks are not witnessing the same controversy, Although it may not only provide sanctuary for Samama, It may even provide for other species of birds, And even bats, New housing opportunities.
Hackney City Council in London is pushing in this direction, And on three axes: The focus of future planning for construction and building operations, The axis of ensuring the construction of permanent nests in all new housing projects implemented by the Council, In addition to the axis of identifying and establishing a register of existing housing and buildings owned by the Council, where "Samama boxes" can be installed retroactively.
"Samama boxes" are different from the "Samama bricks" originally built into construction, In being external compositions made of other materials, added to buildings below the roof flap, With different designs, It provides a suitable habitat for this endangered bird.