Governments continue to find new and innovative ways to engage residents in the fight against COVID-19, as the focus is increasing on strengthening cooperation between citizens to reduce the impact of the virus and encourage participation in containment and testing measures. Governments with a greater sense of awareness and cooperation among their populations have successfully limited the spread of the virus since citizens helped their governments in implementating containment procedures.
The latest innovation is the product of a collaboration between Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (Seha) and the UAE-based 81 Designs to consolidate cooperation between the people and support the country in its fight against this global crisis.
Every person who gets tested at any Seha-affiliated screening facility in the UAE receives a special yellow wristband that bears the slogan "I am committed" in both English and Arabic. This wristband was designed to assert dedication and commitment - both personal and governmental - to the precautionary measures that limit the spread of the virus. يحصل كل شخص يخضع للفحص في أي من مراكز المسح الوطني التابعة لشركة "صحة" في الإمارات العربية المتحدة على سوار أصفر خاص يحمل شعار "ملتزمون" باللغتين الإنجليزية والعربية. وقد ابتُكر هذا السوار لتأكيد التفاني والالتزام الشخصي والحكومي بالإجراءات الاحترازية التي تحد من انتشار الفيروس. وتسلط هذه المبادرة غير الربحية الضوء على أهمية تثقيف المجتمع ورفع الوعي حول التعليمات الوقائية الحكومية كالبقاء في المنزل والالتزام بممارسات التباعد الاجتماعي للحد من انتشار كوفيد19. ويجري حاليًا إنتاج 50,000 سوار مع وجود 1,600 سوار جاهز للتوزيع. This non-profit initiative sheds the light on the importance of educating society and raising awareness of the government’s preventive guidelines, such as staying at home and adhering to social distancing practices to contain the virus. A total of 50,000 wristbands are currently in production and the first batch of 1,600 are ready for distribution.
Seha has launched other strategic initiatives to establish 14 drive-through screening centers across the UAE, where anyone wishing to check if they are virus-free can take a test for Dh370 paid through the Seha app.
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