What is the role of broadband networks in fostering innovation in rural and agricultural areas? The U.S. state of Iowa conducts a test to improve internet connectivity in rural communities and farms over broadband networks. Through this initiative, the government hopes to develop its digital infrastructure and promote innovation in digitally connected farms as part of the experiment.
The challenges posed by the digital divide between urban and rural areas have long attracted the attention of governments. Whether it is the gap in the disparity between the level of access to digital services in cities and rural areas or public awareness of digital skills. This interest was renewed after the COVID-19 pandemic revealed the magnitude of the impact of the decline in internet services in rural areas. The circumstances imposed by the pandemic have led to institutions, companies and individuals in cities relying on services that can be obtained remotely and quickly through broadband networks and their advanced applications, This contributed to the continuity of services and daily life for city dwellers, unlike what happened in many rural areas.
In order to overcome these challenges in rural Iowa, The U.S. National Science Foundation recently announced a state-of-the-art applied research program in the state. It includes governmental, academic and research institutions, It seeks to provide broadband services and fifth-generation telecommunications networks in rural areas, In addition to providing innovative applications that contribute to the development of the economy of those regions that depend heavily on the agricultural sector.
The project covers a rural area of 600 square miles in central Iowa, The authorities behind the project are working to provide broadband network services in rural communities and surrounding farms. This area includes three provinces, It includes about six local communities, and a group of schools, The University of Iowa's campus is in Ames. The project is a testing ground aimed at finding the best and least expensive ways to connect rural communities in the state to high-speed internet networks. And provide the opportunity to develop a range of innovative technological applications that will help farmers grow their products and businesses.
The project is part of the Advanced Wireless Research Platforms (PAWR) program funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation. It is an independent government agency, Within a budget of $100 million in partnership with the private sector, It is run by the nonprofit US Ignite. The project was named "Rural and Agricultural Communities" (ARA) which aims to create rural communities that are smart and wirelessly connected to broadband networks.
The project will test a set of smart applications based on fast internet connection, Some focus on employing innovative technologies in developing farms and enhancing their productivity, Others are on the development of community services such as education, transportation, public health, and telehealth.
For example, in the field of education, The staff attaches particular importance to the provision of STEM applications, Being essential to equipping rural communities with the skills required to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century. The project will provide students with the opportunity to experience interactive experiences in applied agricultural sciences through augmented reality (AR) platforms from the University of Iowa, farms where modern technologies are applied, This contributes to introducing students to applications that have been done on the ground and studying their benefits and challenges. For example, One of the practical applications that have benefited from modern technologies within the legislator is the school bus application service, which tracks the location of the school bus in real time and informs parents about the time it arrives at their homes. Thus, it contributes to ensuring the safety of children, especially in the difficult climatic conditions to which rural areas are usually exposed.
But the real economic importance of providing rural broadband networks lies in the fact that it allows the use of digital agricultural technology that helps farmers provide suitable agricultural conditions by monitoring crops using modern technologies. For example, An application within the project controls remotely managed small agricultural vehicles or robots, Which are used to scatter seeds, spray pesticides, damage weeds, or other routine tasks in fields. These vehicles are equipped with cameras and sensors and connected wirelessly to a cloud computing center. The importance of these compounds is highlighted in large commercial farms, Dozens or hundreds of them are used together, Each vehicle collects data from high-resolution multispectral images of crops and soil. Then send it to the cloud to be analyzed in real time. This technology enables farmers to make accurate crop decisions. Perform special agricultural tasks in agricultural areas damaged or in need of care, such as getting rid of weeds or harmful insects, This benefits farm productivity and lowers cost to farmers.
The project will rely on computer systems, software and wireless communication hardware, including satellites. It allows interdisciplinary studies to be carried out via the Internet. The experiments are expected to lead to a range of innovative technological applications and designs in agricultural development that can be applied across the United States. This is in addition to providing broadband services at a low cost.
The project will rely on computer systems, software and wireless communication hardware, including satellites. It allows interdisciplinary studies to be carried out via the Internet. The experiments are expected to lead to a range of innovative technological applications and designs in agricultural development that can be applied across the United States. This is in addition to providing broadband services at a low cost.