Spreading the Culture of Innovation to Actual Application

The Mohammed Bin Rashid Center for Government Innovation presented the innovators' society with the Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA) a virtual session entitled: The Journey of Transition from Spreading the Culture of Innovation to Actual Application. The dialogue included the following topics: an overview of the innovation journey, the innovation plan drawn up by the Authority, how the innovation plan contributed to the activation and implementation of innovative projects in the Authority, and the challenges that the Authority faced.

The innovators’ society aims to exchange the expertise and experiences of innovative entities, learn about best practices locally and internationally, and hold seminars for international experts and specialists in a way that enhances and enables chief innovation executives to play their roles in establishing a culture of innovation and creating a supportive and stimulating environment for innovation.

Surfacing Insights and Experimenting Across Borders

This high-level panel discussion was organised by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI) and the UAE Mohammed Bin Rashid Centre for Government Innovation (MBRCGI) to discuss the relevance and significance of experimentation and collective intelligence to cross-border government innovation.

The event marked the launch of the report 'Achieving Cross-Border Innovation: Surfacing Insights and Experimenting Across Borders' – the second in a series of three documenting key findings and surfacing cases about how public sector stakeholders are collaborating in innovative ways to tackle cross-border issues. This second report explores how governments use innovative methods for surfacing insights and experimenting across borders.

You can read and download the reports at: https://cross-border.oecd-opsi.org/

Government beyond recovery: Towards a future-fit public sector

OPSI and the MBRCGI have worked in partnership to determine which set of innovative practices can best support collaboration to tackle cross-border issues, including a variety of inputs.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of collaboration across borders at all levels of governance, as governments respond to shared challenges characterised by greater interconnectedness and complexity. During the session, Government beyond Recovery: Towards a future-fit public sector, OPSI and MBRCGI presented their findings on the nature of the challenges for innovating across borders, as well as welcome experts and practitioners from around the world who have come up with innovative solutions to these challenges. The launch of the report Achieving Cross-Border Government Innovation: Governing cross-border challenges was also announced during the session, which serves as the first report in a series of three on different aspects of cross-border innovation.

Report 1: https://cross-border.oecd-opsi.org/
Report 2: https://cross-border.oecd-opsi.org/reports/ surfacing-insights-and-experimenting-across-borders/
Report 3: https://cross-border.oecd-opsi.org/reports/delivering-and-enabling-impactful-cross-border-solutions/

Adapting Public Finance for the Challenges of the 21st Century

Why do government budgets identify only physical capital and not human capital when deciding where to allocate?

The forecast public budget is a prime example of MBRCGI's ability to stimulate cutting-edge thinking at the core of government: public finance.

In order to turn the latest ideas into tangible public finance action, the Global Innovation Council (MBRCGI) hosted a virtual roadshow in partnership with ANZSOG (Australia and New Zealand School of Government) to showcase its thinking on the future of public finance and budgeting.

To download the public budget white paper, visit the link below